I was so lucky at an early age to have a teacher recognize my passion for art and parents that nurture it to this day. My parents took me to art galleries and museums. That helped me develop my love of art. Going to Lord Byng High School, a school known for its art programs, helped develop my love of art. I got a chance at the same time to enjoy the nature of the area, from Whistler to the Pacific Ocean and all parts in between. Developing a love of hiking, skiing and so much more and that helps cultivate my love of art.
I would not be the artist I am today if I did not have parents who encouraged my passion, a teacher that was there for me, and a thirst to explore all around me. Encourage all parents to encourage their children in whatever passions they may have. Whether it is sports or art or anything else, encourage your children. Or like me and have a passion for art. They will be happier, more confident and more well rounded because of it.
A passion for art will encourage them to look at the world differently and see the whole Vancouver area for all its beauty. Get out and see the world, discover your passion and follow it.