Abstract landscape artist, Sam Siegel, was born and raised in Vancouver. Sam says he likes to "re-imagine the spectacular vistas of the region to create my own abstract landscape vistas." Certainly, many of his paintings display the undeniable appeal and magic of the ‘Great Northwest’. "Some of my most popular paintings, such as 'Howe Sound', 'Burrard Inlet', and 'Road To Whistler' are immediately recognizable to Vancouver locals and tourists alike. It's so fulfilling to try to capture some of that magic in my art!"
The Great Northwest
Abstrct landscape artist, Sam Siegel, specializes in painting scenes of the 'Great Northwest'. And his inspiration comes from hiking and exploring the local mountains and coastal regions of British Columbia. Two Canadian contemporary artists in particular, Lawren Harris and Emily Carr, were influential in shaping Sam's own style. Now, his creations are featured exclusively at his Kitsilano gallery, SamsOriginalArt. The gallery is located near Granville Island, at 1736 West 2nd ave (a half a block east of Burrard). So, whenever you're in Kits, stop by to see his latest works! They're open Tues - Sat, 11 am - 5 pm.
"If my art inspires you, I encourage you to get out and explore these gorgeous landscapes that comprise our 'Great Northwest'. "